Pet friendliness is among the most sought-after amenities for potential multifamily tenants, and a growing number of apartment properties are introducing features specifically geared toward pets and their owners. Dog parks and wash stations have become a common sight at multifamily properties, nearly as ubiquitous as pools, fitness centers and coworking spaces.
Well over a dozen of the exhibitors at last month’s Apartmentalize conference in Atlanta had pets as the major focus of their products or services. Beyond the most visible amenities, this also included tools that owners and managers can use to ensure the safety of residents and their pets.
Here are a few examples of the products and services available to help owners manage the ups and downs of pets in their properties:
Waste management

The PooPrints service by BioPet Laboratories provides DNA testing for pet waste left at participating properties, matching the waste to a pet on site or any other within the company’s genetic database, in order to identify residents that aren’t picking up after their pets.
The database includes the DNA of over 800,000 dogs across 7,000 communities, according to the company. The testing is carried out at an ISO-accredited lab, and does not require any samples to be kept under special conditions before they are sent in. Properties that participate in the PooPrints program also have access to other complimentary services, including BioPet Life Plan DNA testing.
Soaps and suds

K9000’s DIY Dog Wash stations are available in three models — compact, single and twin — designed for use in multifamily properties as well as pet stores, veterinary offices or as standalone units in private homes. Each one accepts multiple forms of payment, including coins, bills and cards, and includes a water heater and illuminated tub. Operators are also able to audit the machines and track data related to their use, according to a release shared with Multifamily Dive.
Specifiers can order soaps for the machines directly from the company — including shampoo, conditioner and flea and tick wash — as well as custom property branding. Prices for the wash units range from $15,995 to $38,995.
Dog park upgrades

Gyms for Dogs offers a variety of fixtures and equipment for dog parks, including agility structures like hurdles and balance beams, doghouses, tunnels, climbing boulders, turf lawns, splash pools, waste cans and benches for humans.
Each product is designed to high safety standards and manufactured in the U.S. using sustainable materials, according to information shared with Multifamily Dive. The company also offers dog park design services, including tennis court conversions.
Pet assessment

The PetScreening platform provides a variety of pet-related services for property managers, including the ability to create a database of all animals on a given site, manage pet fees and pet rent and review requests for assistance animals to ensure that they are legitimate.
Properties can integrate the PetScreening process into the standard application form with a built-in landing page. Applicants can choose to make a profile for an assistance animal, household pet, or no animal or pet. The service is free for property managers, with fees collected from profiles for household pets, the company says.
Pet care on demand

Residents at properties participating in the Spruce household services program can order pet care services through the app through its partnership with Wag. These include dog walking, check-ins, pet sitting or boarding, veterinary care, and training services, according to the company.
As a whole, the app’s services include home cleaning, household chores and laundry and moving assistance through other partner companies.